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Workstream D

Dissemination to inform OWF planning, policy and licensing

Screenshot of Workstream D structure

Workpackage 8: Development of a dissemination roadmap

Use of evidence generated by the PrePARED project in impact assessments and OWF policy and planning will be ensured via the many existing networks and routes for dissemination that already exist within the PrePARED project team. 


In order to understand the strengths, weaknesses and gaps of these existing networks, a stakeholder analysis, followed by a network analysis will be undertaken (Task 8.1). 


Targeted additional dissemination can then be designed around the findings of these analyses in order to ensure the project findings are communicated efficiently to all relevant networks and stakeholders. A short report describing the results of the stakeholder and network analyses will be produced. 


A Communications Plan will be developed with involvement of Marine Scotland Communications Team, the PAG and OWEC (Task 8.2).

Led by Bill Turrell and Lauren Donachie from SG Marine Directorate.

A stakeholder and network analysis to identify and understand key stakeholders and their influence on project outcomes was completed by Fast Track Impact and implemented by the Project Management team.

Led by Bill Turrell and Lauren Donachie from SG Marine Directorate.

A communication plan was produced as part of Task 8.1 and implemented by the Project Management team. 

Workpackage 9: Dissemination activities

Annual knowledge exchange workshops (Task 9.1) will be held each year, with the primary purpose of sharing the most recent results and project outputs and plans for the forthcoming year with all relevant stakeholders.


A wide audience will be invited to the workshop, including SNCBs, governments, industry, consultants, eNGOs and scientists in the UK, Europe and elsewhere. 


The project team will encourage feedback from those undertaking similar research studies elsewhere (e.g. EcoSTAR15, WinMon.BE, POSEIDON) thereby ensuring there is no duplication of effort but that opportunities for collaboration are investigated, with the aim of further increasing benefits arising from the PrePARED project. 


Many scientific publications will be produced by the PrePARED project, to ensure all evidence generated by the project undergoes full scientific peer review and scrutiny (Task 9.2).

Each scientific publication will also have a short non-technical summary drafted by the project team, to explain the relevance of the findings to OWF policy and licensing. The project team will also produce reports on project findings, where the PAG advise that this is more useful than a scientific publication.

A scientific symposium will be held specifically on research on ecosystem effects of OWF development in the UK and Europe16 (Task 9.3), synthesising the latest understanding in ecosystem effects of OWF development, ensuring evidence from within and outside the UK is available to feed into policy and licensing.

Throughout the course of the PrePARED project, the project team will run workshops, webinars and other events to ensure findings are disseminated as rapidly and effectively as possible.

The PrePARED project will have a dedicated website, hosting project news, updates, latest findings and all project outputs (papers, reports, videos of conference presentations).

Additionally, the PrePARED project will use press releases and social media to ensure project news is quickly disseminated (Task 9.4)

Example: First PrePARED Report

Led by Lauren Donachie from SG Marine Directorate.

An annual engagement event(s) will be held to inform key stakeholders of PrePARED research activity and outputs.

Led by Lauren Donachie from SG Marine Directorate.

Ensuring effective dissemination of scientific publications, reports and outputs to key stakeholders.

Led by Lauren Donachie from SG Marine Directorate.

Scientific symposium for dissemination of final PrePARED findings and outputs to key stakeholders including workshops, webinars, other events.

Led by Lauren Donachie from SG Marine Directorate.

PrePARED project dedicated website hosting project outputs, updates, and other information; social media scheduling.