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Annual Knowledge Exchange Meeting (AKEM)

Annual Knowledge Exchange Meeting (AKEM)

Each year, the PrePARED Team will host an AKEM to share project activity and outputs with key stakeholders. Please find slide decks and photos below from our 2024 event.

AKEM 2024 - Dynamic Earth, Edinburgh

PrePARED Science

Foodscapes: Integrating BRUV monitoring with bomb calorimetry to improve understanding of value of offshore wind farms.

We present data from baited remote underwater video surveys to assess the presence of demersal fish species close to offshore wind farm turbines. We used bomb calorimetry to understand prey quality and combined these to make inferences about the value of offshore wind farm (vs reference areas) through the eyes of predators. We present this in the context of this can help inform cumulative impact assessments.

Fish and Seabirds in Forth and Tay

Focusing on the Forth and Tay region we present (1) an overview of data collection and processing of seabird and fish data collected in the Forth and Tay (2) how these are being used to investigate predator-prey relationships in the context of OWFs, and (3) show how results can be combined with modelling developments in SeabORD to improve EIAs.

Marine Mammal Dose Response

An outline of how power analyses based on historic passive acoustic data can be used to optimise the design of future dose-response studies, with an overview of emerging data on responses of porpoises to construction activity at Moray Firth windfarms.

Of those who responded to the post-event survey, the 2024 AKEM received an average rating of 4.3/5 stars with 80% confirming that they left with a clearer understanding of PrePARED’s goals and upcoming outputs

External Factors

Exploring external factors

Francis Daunt (UKCEH), discusses how external factors, such as the marine heatwave and avian flu, are considered in research.

Potential to incorporate external shocks into assessment tools

Adam Butler (BioSS) discusses how external shocks such as avian flu and the marine heatwave can be incorporated quantitatively into assessments.

73% confirmed that the science was communicated in an easily understood manner.

We also collected information on what went well, what improvements could be made and preferences for future meetings.


Exploring transferability in the evidence base to help assist in decision making

We’ll explore transferability of the evidence base – in the context of project level and cumulative effects assessment – and discuss how this can support decision making.

Similarity Assessment

We present results of a UK wide habitat similarity assessment comparing PrePARED and other existing and planned OWFs. This assessment was performed using depth, sediment, tide, seabed temperature and turbulent mixing data along with a dataset of windfarm engineering characteristics and spatial extents. This analysis has been conducted to examine potential transferability of PrePARED results to OWF sites across the UK continental shelf.

Planning and Consenting

Exploring the needs of planning and consenting

Scottish Government Offshore Wind Directorate colleagues discuss evidence in planning and consenting, National Marine Planning, Sectoral Marine Planning and Consenting

PrePARED - The First Two Years

Report from the PrePARED Annual Knowledge Exchange Meeting (AKEM) 2024