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November 2023

ECOWIND & OWEC Annual Impact Meeting

PrePARED partners attended the ECOWIND & OWEC Annual Impact Meeting from 21-23rd November 2023.


Day 1 allowed PrePARED to investigate collaboration opportunities with other offshore wind projects and raise awareness of current research highlights and findings.

Dr Kate Searle, UKCEH, presenting on PrePARED Cumulative Effects research
Dr Matthew Witt, University of Exeter, presenting on fish effects in relation to offshore wind

Day 2 and 3 provided an opportunity to meet with key stakeholders and discuss the policy and delivery landscape, key challenge areas and research highlights.


PrePARED was represented in a number of areas at this meeting including research highlights on Ornithological effects, Fish effects, and Cumulative Effects Assessments.

Q4 General Updates

  • Prof. Paul Thompson, University of Aberdeen, recently met with our Aarhus University colleagues to discuss how PrePARED data can be integrated into the DEPONS framework.
  • Offshore activity currently underway to service acoustic receiver arrays in the Moray Firth to provide further data on fish activity in and around windfarms.
  • Preparations are currently underway for a winter survey on sandeel distributions within and around offshore wind farms in the Firth of Forth to provide essential data on the effect of prey distributions on marine top predators.

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