2024 Recap
This year, the PrePARED project has delivered a number of reports and output summaries with many more coming soon in 2025!
Report 1 investigated whether spatio-temporal variations in harbour porpoise occurrence and foraging were related to sandeel density predictions.
The report found that:
- Sandeel density predictions can inform predictions of harbour porpoise occurrence and foraging behaviour, with limitations.
- There is a consistent positive predator-prey relationship in the Moray Firth area, matching seasonal presence of prey
- The installation of wind turbine structures may have modified predator-prey interactions, with further research needed.
Read the full report here.
Report 2 aimed to assess broad-scale changes in the occurrence of porpoises in relation to the operational windfarms in the Moray Firth and assess fine-scale reef effects around turbine foundations.
The report found that:
- Porpoises were not displaced from operational windfarms.
- There was no evidence of reef effects. This was unexpected and further investigations are taking place
Read the full report here.
Following the PrePARED Annual Knowledge Exchange Meeting (AKEM) in February, the team created Report 3.
This report summarises project results from 2022 and 2023, how these can or will be used, the impact of these findings and the next steps.
Report 004 aimed to assess the responses of harbour porpoises to pile-driving at the Moray West Offshore Windfarm and directly estimate an Effective Deterrent Range (EDR) for the installation of monopiles without noise abatement.
The findings in this report were that;
- The PrePARED project delivered new evidence in support of reducing the current EDR recommendations for monopiles (currently 26km). This new evidence is delivering impact, improving OWF consenting by feeding into new guidance in development by JNCC and DEFRA.
- Further investigation is required to explore contextual factors such as seasonal variation, vessel traffic and use of acoustic deterrent devices.
Following these findings, PrePARED task leads from the University of Aberdeen met and discussed the results with key stakeholders across the UK, specifically to support discussions around the Southern North Sea SAC.
Read the full report here.
Focussing on transferability, SMRU Consulting released Report 005 discussing how Evidence Bridges can support advisors and decision makers.
Noting the importance of evidence-based decision making, this approach brings together researchers and key stakeholders to ensure that the best available science is utilised to support sustainable development of offshore wind.
Read the full report here.