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Offshore Wind

General Information

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ScotWind is the first round of Offshore Wind Leasing in Scottish waters for a decade.

Offshore Wind Scotland


A website created by Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE), with partners at Scottish Government and across the public and private sectors, to showcase the offshore wind industry in Scotland.

Offshore Wind Industry Council


The Offshore Wind Industry Council (OWIC), a senior Government and industry forum, was established in May 2013 to drive the development of the world-leading offshore wind sector in the UK

Forth and Tay Offshore


Forth & Tay Offshore works on behalf of members to promote the capabilities of companies and organisations in the offshore wind sector and to assist them in accessing new opportunities.

Forth and Tay – Seagreen Offshore Wind Farm


This is one of the windfarms which will be included in PrePARED Workstream A

Forth and Tay – Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm


This is one of the windfarms which will be included in PrePARED Workstream A.

Moray Firth – Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm


This is one of the windfarms which will be surveyed in PrePARED Workstream B.

Moray Firth – Moray East


A major wind farm in the Moray Firth

Forth and Tay – Seagreen 1A


A planned extension of the Seagreen project

Forth and Tay – Berwick Bank


A major wind farm planned in the Forth and Tay region

Moray Firth – Moray West


A major wind farm under development in the Moray Firth

Moray Firth – Inch Cape


A major wind farm planned in the Moray Firth

A Guide to Assessment Frameworks  – Marine Mammals


One of the overall aims of PrePARED is to improve the way applications for new offshore wind farms are assessed. Currently there are several assessment frameworks used by licensing and approval authorities to assess OWF applications. These include three main ‘population assessment’ methods used in marine mammal impact assessment, termed the PBR method, the  iPCoD method and the DEPONS method. This is a link to guide to these three methods produced by the JNCC.

A Guide to Assessment Frameworks  – Seabirds


SeabORD is a method that can assess displacement and barrier effects from offshore renewables on seabirds, but is currently limited to four species during the chick-rearing season. This review, published by Marine Scotland, examined ways to improve the SeabORD model including extending to the entire breeding season.

Access to Offshore Windfarm Sites for Research – Best Practice Guidelines


ECOWind has led the co-development of best practice guidelines with experts from government, academia, and industry, to help researchers and offshore wind farm developers collaborate effectively when access to offshore wind farms is requested for research purposes. Evidence from research has the potential to help mitigate environmental impacts and support strategic decision-making on a large scale. This multidisciplinary approach fosters innovation, improves industry performance, and paves the way for efficiently meeting national targets.