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PrePARED Project Update

August 2024

New Report The University of Aberdeen have released a new report on harbour porpoise responses to the installation of XXL monopiles without noise abatement. This report follows discussions from the PrePARED Annual Knowledge Exchange Meeting (AKEM) on how PrePARED data can be used by different regions. Alongside the report, we have created a 2-page report […]

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July 2024

Survey Updates The Marine Directorate team successfully completed their survey work for Task 1.1 in the Firth of Forth as per figure 1, with seabird at sea surveys undertaken along acoustic transect lines. Undertaking seabird at sea surveys during acoustic transects provides predator (seabird) and prey (fish) contemporaneous data to be used in future modelling.

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April 2024

The month of April brings new opportunities and challenges for the Predators and Prey Around Renewable Energy Developments (PrePARED) project as we continue our important work to study the impacts of renewable energy developments on marine life. Throughout April, our dedicated team focused on conducting field research, collecting data, and analysing the effects of renewable

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PrePARED colleague presenting at event. Presentation slides state "Reducing uncertainty in assessment of cumulative effects - Short term, Medium-term future and Long-term future"

December 2023

Conferences This month, colleagues from BioSS presented PrePARED work at the Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland (MASTS) Annual Science Meeting in Glasgow. Dr Katherine Whyte presented on ‘Understanding predator-prey interactions from seabird movements’ and Dr Esther Jones presented on ‘Predator-prey dynamics in a changing marine environment. Sandeel Survey During December, Dr Thomas

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Project team member standing in front of poster on 'the role of habitat and prey quality in marine mammal responses to developing offshore wind landscapes'

September 2023

September Conference Attendance This month, PrePARED project members attended a number of conferences and workshops to inform stakeholders on project activities. Oihane Fernandez-Betelu (University of Aberdeen) attended and presented at the International Council for the Exploration of the Seas (ICES) Annual Science Conference in Bilbao, Spain Katherine Whyte (BioSS) and Christopher Pollock (UKCEH) presented PrePARED

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2 PrePARED team members crouching next to BRUV with windfarm in background

August 2023

Summer Surveys Following on from our successful June/July survey work, the following surveys were conducted this month: In the Firth of Forth, successful Baited Remote Underwater Video and fish trap surveys were conducted to support Task 1.2 on how fine-scale fish communities change in relation to offshore wind farm development. In addition to the above,

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Photo of PrePARED Project Manager


Welcome to the PrePARED blog! My name is Lauren Donachie, and I was recently appointed as the PrePARED Project Manager with the Scottish Government Marine Directorate. I will be updating this page throughout the year with project updates, scientific highlights, and day to day life as PrePARED project manager until project completion in 2026. Check

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